Sunday Mornings – 9:15am
Adult Bible Study
Topic: Genesis: The Beginning
Hosted by: Pastor Larson
Where: St. Lucas multi-purpose room.
Genesis is an amazing part of the Word of God that explains many fundamental questions about our existence and even the foundations of Western society: where we came from, the origin of evil, and other questions you may not even have thought of yet.
Join us in this new study for our Sunday morning Bible Class to discover the beginning of His story for us!
9th – 12th Grade Youth Bible Class
Topic: Showing LoveHosted by: Don Howell and Travis Lawson
Where: Youth Room located on the lower level of the church. All high school youth are invited to attend.
This year, the Youth Bible Class will focus on the habits we ought to have as God’s people. We’re starting with Acts 2:42-47, in which Luke wrote about the early church’s start in public ministry, with showing love to their neighbors and fellow believers.
We’ll be tackling what the Christian is; what the Christian believes, teaches, confesses to be true. We’ll explore the habits Christians adopted the day of Pentecost and continue in today. With this basis, we’ll then learn how to defend, truly share, this Christian faith.
Youth Director Don Howell and Travis Lawson will team teach the class this year. We love new faces and are excited for you to join us!
Women’s LWML Monthly Bible Study
(Third Thursdays, at 9:30am)
The ever so popular LWML SELC Women's Bible Studies are back for this year. Join our Bible Study each month!
They are taken from the Lutheran Woman's Quarterly. You can find a copy of the latest Quarterly on the LWML Table in the St. Lucas narthex. Feel free to take one, or use the online version at the link below.
Click on Zoom link here to join the study, all are welcome!
To view the current study guide, click here. Scroll down to find the current seasons leader and study guides to downoad.