Learning the grace and wisdom of God’s Word
How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth! Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. -Ps. 119:103, 105 |
God has taken great pains to reveal Himself to everyone through His Word, the Bible. He gave us this book that is not meant to sit on a shelf, but to be read and studied with an ultimate goal of gaining a better understanding of who He is and His plan for us.
It is a blessing for every Christian to study and learn the Bible. Some may think that just knowing Jesus is enough, or that the Bible is confusing or hard to understand. To be sure, some of Scripture can be difficult for even the most scholarly. But unless we study in God’s word on a consistent basis, how are we to know what God says?
How is this done?
- Remember that the Bible is God’s love story for you — From the first pages of the Bible to the end, it’s the story about how God loves you. We were lost in sin, but the Father sent His Son Jesus to find us. From Genesis, through the cross, to Revelation, we see the red thread of the blood of Christ—poured out for us!
- Know that every word of the Bible is true — The Bible tells us “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work” -2 Tim. 3:16–17.
Because the Bible is inspired by God, it is without error and inherently profitable for us to guide us in our daily walk. The moment we come to faith in Christ, we have the Holy Spirit within us. His Holy Spirit is the power behind our understanding His word, equipping us to become more mature in our faith.
- Studying the Bible is how we can grow — Through this godly habit, we grow spiritually and are more aligned with Christ and His purpose for our lives. The apostle Paul wrote, “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” –Romans 12:2
Studying the Word is what will help renew our minds and know His truth. - The Bible gives us strength — Jesus warns us that we will have troubles in this world (John 16:33“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”). Nothing equips us better than His Word. It is the promises of God that strengthen us when trouble comes. It’s the hope of something better one day that helps us stand firm. Knowing and believing in the character of God is what calms the internal storm. It shifts our gaze from the storm to the One who saved and sustains the entire world. Therefore, fear and stress fade and hope peace and joy grow.
Personal Devotions and Bible Reading Resources
Below are some great resources to begin or strengthen your time with God in His Word. Choose one or more. If you need help, especially with the technical aspects of digital resources, please contact us at discipleship@stlucaslcms.org.
Note: To subscribe to a podcast, go to one of the platforms below and search for the podcast by name. Most Podcasts are available on these platforms:
- Portals of Prayer – Concordia Publishing
- This is the traditional, printed daily devotion for many at St. Lucas. Copies are available at church. There is also a PoP App for smart phones, subscription fees will apply, however.
- LHM Daily Devotions Podcast – LHM.org
- An excellent 5 minute Daily Devotion from Lutheran Hour Ministries. Also available online at Daily Devotions
- LWML Mustard Seed Daily Devotions – LWML.org
- A daily email devotion, signup at StayInTouch. Or go online to Mustard Seed Devotion
- Daily Reading Plan – LCMS
- The Synod offers a three-year reading plan here.
- ESV: Every Day in the Word Podcast – Crossway
- This is an audio reading plan of the Bible (about 15 minutes) each day. It includes a reading from the Old and New Testaments. Starting in Genesis and Matthew, the readings continue sequentially. Listen on your commute or while you exercise! Available at the Google Play and Apple iTunes Stores
- Living Water: Experience Scripture – LBT.org
- Brand new from Lutheran Bible Translators, this podcast sings the words of the Bible with moving accompaniment. Engaging with God’s Word should never be a burden. That’s why LBT was thrilled to release Living Water this January! Subscribe to receive free access to the Gospels of Matthew and Mark and subsequent books of the New Testament (ESV) as they are released.
Adults – Our congregation offers in-person or online Bible studies at different days and times to fit your schedule. Open to all! Find out more here. Don’t forget about Group Discussions connected to this initiative.
Children and Youth – Bring your children and invite friends to Sunday School (Age 3 – Grade 6) and The Faith for Life (Grade 7 +) Sundays at 9:15 a.m.
- The Lutheran Hour Podcast – LHM.org
- A great weekly (Saturday) 30-minute Christ-centered message from The Lutheran Hour as heard on the radio. Also available as a podcast from Google Play or Apple Podcasts.
- Speaking of Jesus Podcast – LHM.org
- Hear real people having a real conversation about life, Jesus, and what He means to them. To access the podcast and additional show resources visit online at Speaking of Jesus.
Lutheran Witness – The Lutheran Witness is a printed magazine with online content that seeks to help you interpret the world from a Lutheran perspective.
Lutherans Engage the World – is a quarterly publication of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod with online content that engages the Church in the work of witness and mercy across the globe.