Congratulations!   You have completed your study of the Seven Habits of Christian Disciples. So what are the next steps?

As you may recall, the Introduction talked about “knowing and growing” in our faith walk with our Lord. This discipleship material was designed to help you know what a mature disciple looks like. The fact that you took the time to learn more may mean that you are ready to take steps to grow to become a more mature disciple.

It is important to note that discipleship is not an event, nor a goal that someone can perfectly attain. Rather it is a lifelong process we undertake to better serve Jesus, and to help build His church as He called us to do.

What are the next steps on this path for you?

Every person is in a different place in his or her spiritual faith walk. So, it will be for you to prayerfully decide what those next steps are. On each module review page, you may have indicated what your next step might be on the path toward great maturity

Here are some first steps we encourage you to take, if you haven’t already:

  1. Make sure to check the “I have completed this Module” checkbox on each of the Seven Habit review pages; then fill in and submit the form that appears.
  2. Go to the Group Discussions page and check out the current series of in-person “Coffee-Tawlk” discussions that are scheduled. The leaders in these Group Discussions have knowledge about the seven discipleship habits being discussed. The discussions are lively, fun and educational.
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