During this time of increased health risk, we ask that when attending in-person worship, worshippers should observe the following measures:
- Stay home if sick or not feeling well
- Cessation of the sharing of the peace within the center aisle in an effort to minimize contact
We pray for patience and understanding with these breaks from tradition. The intent is not to diminish the worship experience, but rather to be respectful of legitimate concerns over public safety and the sense that St. Lucas remains a dependably safe home for worship every week. Updates will be shared through email, Facebook and on this website.
The great hymn by Martin Luther, A Mighty Fortress is Our God, was written when Germany was experiencing an outbreak of the bubonic plague. Thankfully, our situation is by no means as dire, but God is just as “a mighty fortress” as ever. May we be fully trusting in God to preserve and protect us as we serve our neighbors in love.
– St. Lucas Board of Elders