All-In Discipleship Study Review

OK, let’s review what you have learned about the path to “All-In” Study!

1. Know and understand what the Bible says about its study

  • Review the Habit of Study we covered on the previous pages.
  • Read what the Catechism teaches about the nature of the Bible.
2. Begin a personal daily devotional.

  • Set aside a “quiet time” each day to be in His Word.  Read through the Bible or use one of the suggested resources.
  • Engage in a Bible reading/listening plan. The Bible contains the mind of God and His will for each one of our lives. Who wouldn’t want to read about that?!
3. Join a Bible Study.

  • Christianity is all about relationships, not just with our Savior Jesus, but with one another.
  • Group Bible studies, offered at St. Lucas in-person or online, move us from being passive participants in a weekly church service to active participants dedicated to spiritual growth and learning. As we encounter God’s Word together, we have an opportunity for fellowship, and to share our different perspectives and insights.
4. Teach a Bible Class.

When a person teaches a class, the opportunities for understanding and growth truly blossom. Contact Pastor to discuss the possibilities.

5. Enroll in formal training.

There are in-depth courses of study outside St. Lucas that prepare people for greater ministry, either as a lay person or as a church worker.  Contact Pastor for more information.

Take a step today for All-In Study!

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