All-In Discipleship Generosity Review

OK, let’s review what you have learned about the path to “All-In” Generosity!

1. Know and understand what the Bible says about generosity.

  • Review this module on Generosity.
  • Understand that we are stewards. “My” gifts, talents, abilities, and financial resources are really God’s and not mine. Our generosity is a response to God’s infinite love.
2. Rethink giving out of obligation, or because it’s expected of me.

  • Review the parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14-30) that teaches us what we are supposed to do while we await the return of our King.
  • A way to tell if you’re ready to take this step is to consider your reaction when this topic is discussed.  When the Word says, “It’s God’s,” do we think “It’s mine,” or do we pray that God helps us to manage what is His to His glory.
3. Give regularly and pledge annually.

This is progress! Giving regularly makes it a habit. Pledging a dollar amount or percentage of your income reinforces your habit of giving regularly. You may indicate your pledge at any time online or by contacting the church office for a form.

4. Give regularly, pledge annually, and increase as your income increases.

This is one step better, and the great part is that God will always give you more than you need and promises that you can’t outgive Him!

5. Tithe and more.

  • A tithe is a way of saying that we give 10% of our income to the Lord.
  • Even loftier is the goal to give generously and sacrificially to the Lord for the relief of the poor, the support of the ministry, and the spread of the Gospel.

Take a step today for All-In Generosity!

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