OK, let’s review what you have learned about the path to “All-In” Worship!

1. Know and understand what the Bible says about worship.

    1. Review the Habit of Worship on the previous screens.
    2. Read the Explanation of the Third Commandment from the Catechism.
2. Begin to untangle yourself from activities that keep you from worship.

If you have commitments and activities during worship times, it may take some time to be free from them. Although not always, you may find ways to worship weekly and still keep some of these commitments.

3. Re-commit to God’s plan of weekly worship.

  1. If you’re confirmed review the vows you made at your Confirmation, especially to “be faithful in the use of God’s Word and Sacraments.”
  2. A way to tell if you’re ready for this step is to ask yourself if you decide each week to attend worship. Completing this step means don’t decide each week; you’ve already decided to attend, unless prevented by special circumstance.
4. Include worship in your plans away from home.

Worship where you are! — When you travel, you can make plans to worship at a local congregation. Most places in the US will have a nearby LCMS church, or certainly a Christian church. Attending our livestream can be an option also.

5. Avoid activities that prevent other people from worshiping.

Don’t forget that what you do on Sunday mornings affects other people. Commit to habits that allow others to worship too!

Take a step today for All-In Worship!

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